Nice to have you here! How did you find it, by the way?
Posts by Optimistic Alvin
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Wait, is this actually from the movie or is this fan-made?
Like AnUnexpectedFan, I would also suggest using Blender. It has sufficient features and can help produce pretty nice 3D Models. It's free and open source too, but you might have to practice/experiment with the tools for a while before you get comfortable using it.
Hmm... well I've been thinking about that too. I'll try making one soon I think. Particularly the CGI Chipmunk version. But I'll try experimenting with other types of styles too.
Got any other ideas?
Hey there, Ben! Welcome to the forum! I hope you like it here.
I was wondering too... how did you come across this forum?
The style is known as the 80s Chipmunk Generation.
It was used it the following TV series:
Hello there.
So, the thing is that I have my final exams this month and I always like to stop using social media, YouTube, etc, as long as my exams are in progress. It seems a bit excessive, but not allowing myself to use them during my exams even when I'm free helps me not get distracted later when I'm studying too. (Because I have a tendency to get distracted a lot while I study) Basically, I just remove social media, etc, altogether from my daily routine. It's a thing I'm used to, so therefore I will disappear from Discord and Twitter. (but might check strictly ONLY DMs on one specific day of the week) I'll be completely free after the 28th of this month.
I will still be moderating this forum because, as an admin, I'm responsible for doing so, but I won't be replying to threads, etc. (Except moderation threads/messages)
I know the forum is still in its early days, and the reason why I was kinda inactive a couple of weeks before too (e.g. I wanted to read Granditamias' fanfic and listen to AnUnexpectedFan's audio special and reply to their threads) was also because I was busy with the final days of high school. This is my last year in high school (considering "high school" ends at 12th grade)
I had also other ideas/plans in mind to help the forum grow but I wasn't able to carry them out due to the same reason. But the presence of you guys does help the forum gain some activity and I appreciate all of you guys who are currently a part of the forum in its early days.
— Optimistic Alvin.
I got Blender recently. Once I learn how to use it, I wanna make low-poly models of the chipmunks for my hypothetical Alvinnn video game.
That's nice, and low-poly models are pretty cool. I'd love to see chipmunks in that style.
And what's this hypothetical Alvinnn video game?
I personally don't like the mutant theory either. And the alien theory is a bit absurd too. I mean, if the chipmunk are aliens then it's quite a big coincidence that they happened to look like chipmunks which we have here on Earth.
So, yeah, evolution into a human like species seems more probable. But I wonder how it may take place? I don't know much about evolution. Didn't study Biology after Grade 8. (but it did interest me nonetheless)
I have heard of cross-breeding, but I'm not sure if that's considered evolution. Cross-breeding doesn't seem possible with chipmunks and humans anyway.
SIMON: Aaargh! Why does it seem that everyone follows me wherever I go! Either you all stop arguing, or go inside.
ALVIN: You're the one who's arguing.
ELEANOR: That's it Alvin. Let's go inside. Come on Theodore, you too.
(Later inside, door slams shut)
ALVIN: I just wanted to play outside and then Simon comes! *kicks something* It's not fair!
SIMON: Argh! Could you two just go inside for a moment and let me do my experiment in peace!?
ALVIN: Why aren't you doing it in your lab?
SIMON: I'm trying to get this mixture to react and the reaction requires sunlight.
ALVIN: Then just get a lamp.
Hey. So this thread is a remake of the older thread which used to be on the old forum. It used to be the most popular one too, so thought about recreating it to get some activity on this forum.
How this works, is that everyone posts a small piece of dialogue and in this way, we come up with a story.
We can improvise on the plot. But if someone has an idea and wants to have the story go in a particular direction. We could do that too of the other participants agree.
I'll start.
SIMON: Careful now... I don't want to drop this...
There are a lot of comics. And I don't have all of them.
If you want any specific one, I can search for it and upload it here.
I believe he means this phone. I don't have it, by the way. I got this picture from Munkapedia's Discord server.
Well, I've made the new sub-catergory now.
Well I think it might even work in Fanfiction perhaps? But now that I think about this, you are not the only one who comes up with theories about the Chipmunks.
Perhaps I could change the category "Fanfiction" to "Fanfiction & Theories" and create two sub-categories (obviously "Fanfiction" and "Fan Theories") in it. Then such a category will also be able to include theories like Alvin 2.0
What are your thoughts?
Hey there!
It's so great to have another member of the former forum on here! I've always loved all of your fan covers and audio plays.
Well, I've never liked Nostalgia Critic too. Their channel is one of the worst places to watch any review.
And hopefully, like you said, this forum does become just as lively as before.
Welcome to the forum!
Hmm... I'm seeing B3 with 1 more vote than B1 but I think B1 would be way better as it includes the silhouette too.
Well it's on
You will have to find the widget which will allow you to connect/join the group.
You can get it from Munkapedia.
But if you are banned from Chipmunks Discord, I suggest you don't join it again.
Using the image Ren provided me, I was able to make these varients of the favicon.
What are your thoughts, you guys?
Or would you like it white? I'm open for any ideas.
I drew this a long time ago. I'm not an artist and I very rarely draw anything, but this is what I had come up with once. I think I made it in 2020.
I believe I was perhaps copying a scene from an episode. But I don't remember. Just found this picture on my PC and thought about sharing it. -
why do we not use the alvin A as logo
We could. But the reason why I didn't was that I couldn't find a good font. I was thinking about making something like this (attached):
Nice. Perhaps it may look better if the silhouette was white instead?
I also like that it's an actual image of an AaTC chipmunk which would work better than the current one.
I'll wait a bit before changing anything to see what the others have to say too. -
Hey there.
So the current favicon the forum uses is just a free stock photo of a chipmunk on a red background.
I was wondering if you guys have any better ideas for the favicon or are able to make a better one for the forum.
If you have any ideas, post them here!
Here is the current favicon:
Welcome to the forum.
Hi there, And welcome to the forum.
I see you've been a fan since 7. That's pretty cool! I don't think I've heard of anyone else who has been a fan of AaTC as long as you.
Nice. She looks and sounds really cool!
I have to say your illustrating/editing skills are pretty good too. -
What eps is that xD
Well I have no idea. I took this screenshot perhaps 2 years ago. Or maybe I took it from the wiki? Can't remember.
Though if someone knows, please be sure to tell us.
Thanks for joining and testing out this forum during its early days. I didn't know you became a fan of AaTC so recently, though.
Welcome to the forum Granditamias! Nice to have you here. Hopefully this forum brings back the old forum community together again.
Hey there!
I joined the AaTC fandom around October 2016.
It all started by editing on Munkapedia. Soon I became a council member there, but these days I am inactive.
I first discovered The Chipmunks when I watched the CGI Film Series (that was the first Chipmunks content I ever watched), then I started watching the CGI Cartoon Series, and that's when I became a fan. I found out The Chipmunks had an 80s Series cartoon too (which I had never watched before), and later found recordings of those old 80s episodes. Though, I haven't watched a single episode of The Alvin Show yet.
The Chipmunks during those days made my life entertaining. I'm known across the fandom as Optimistic Alvin and you can find me on Twitter, as well as on Chipmunks Discord too.
Hey there everybody!
We, the staff team, would like to thank all of the new members for joining this brand new forum!
This forum was made to replace the old forum which had suddenly disappeared, We are now working on this new one and are doing our best to advertise it to get new members on here and grow our community. We would also like to request you guys to spread the word and share this forum with other members of The Chipmunk Fandom!
I would like to remind you all that this forum was made just recently and is still in development. So you may expect to see some bugs and imperfections here and there. (especially with the graphics) If you have any suggestions, any! You are more than welcome to share them in suggestions. Whether it is emojis, changing the header style, or whatever!
We appreciate all the help which goes into growing this community.Special thanks,
The Admin Team